This is an old revision of the document!
Your Account
After matriculation all students at Göttingen University have the right to get a studIT account, which can be used to log in on various online services. With your account name and passwort you can log in on the self-service functions, webmail, in your home directory, Stud.IP, go@Med, eCampus and for checking your printing credit. On the following pages you can find all information concerning your studIT account. Please note that there is a User Agreement!
<WRAP info 90% left>
- accountberechtigte
- account_exmatrikulierte
- alumni
- benutzerordnung
- cloudspeicher
- homeverzeichnis
- multifaktor
- namensaenderung
- netzlaufwerk
- passwort
- probleme_beim_einloggen
- sb_funktionen
- start
- studip
- vorkurs
- winscp
- zugang
======= start =======
erstellt von | Helena Zimpel |
erstellt am | 09.03.2011 22:03 |
en/support/account/start.1299704828.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)