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studIT Online Support

Welcome to the studIT support pages

Here you will find all information concerning information technology for students at Göttingen University. Those pages are constantly under review, so it is worth checking for new information every once in a while.
Full text search: You can search for keywords and tags in the search window
Navigation: There is an extendable menu on the left side of the website. You can look up several categories very quickly.
Tags: Every article is tagged with serveral keywords. Further down on this page you'll find a tag cloud, showing you the most common tags. After a click on a tag in the cloud, a list with articles including this tag will show up.
WIf you want to know what studIT is and what we are doing, click HERE! <menu col=3,align=center> <item>Your Account||account|</item>

<item>You student ID||ausweis|</item>

<item>Your E-mail||email|</item>




<item>Wireless LAN||wlan|</item>



<item>studIT support||studit_support|</item>






en/start.1298034036.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)