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PC locations

studIT PCs run on Linux systems as well as Windows systems on some machines in the LRC SUB. You can chose from a variety of programs to work with, e.g. Microsoft and Open Office, Webbrowsers, Image Editing Software such as Photoshop ore the Open Source program GIMP.

You can access your data or bookmarks from every PC you log on to. You can also get access to your data from your home PC, requiring a remote connection.

Students can print from all those PCs, as long as their printing credit is positive.
On most terminals you are able to use USB Sticks or CDs/DVDs


  • Central campus
    • LRC SUB
    • SUB ground floor
    • Anglistik
    • Blauer Turm 2nd floor
    • Germanistik
    • Juridicum
    • Klassische Philologie
    • Klassische Philologie Parlatorium
    • Romanistik
    • Theologicum Bibliothek
    • Theologicum ground floor
    • Sozio-Oeconomicum library
    • Waldweg library
    • Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG) 1st floor
  • Northern campus
    • Forst
    • Geographie library
    • Geographie Foyer
  • Klinikum
    • library in the clinic UMG (LRC Med)
en/support/rechnerstandorte/standorte.1305109111.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)