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computers in the libraries

Within a cooperation project of the SUB and studIT (part of the department IT of the university of Göttingen) new computers were purchased, which will be installed at the locations of the former so-called “Web-OPAC-computers”. Therefore, the operation of the devices changes. which now features a markedly additional value.

A crucial difference compared to the former use is the required login to the computer. At this we distinguish between two groups of user, which in each case are able to use different functions at the computer.


Students can use the computers with all of their functions (Internet without restriction, printing, Office programmes, E-Mail Client, personal home register). They have to log in by usage of the input screen with their Studierenden-Account after the computer has booted up. Students of the university of Goettingen get the account, consisting of userid and password, at the start of course together with their Studienausweis since 2008. Students can pick up the account - if not existing - at studIT-Beratungsstandorten (e.g. Chipkartenstelle). Student user have to log out after the use of the computer to avoid abuse of their account.

erstellt von Sandra Klein
erstellt am 24.08.2011 11:12
en/support/rechnerstandorte/bibliotheken.1314184355.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)