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Booking points

Points are issued, with which students can book and use room and lockers at the LSG. They are not deducted from an account, but add up the more you use the LSG. Certain point values influence how far you can book in advance.

Simply put:

  • The bigger the room, the more points you gather.
  • The longer you use a room, the more points you gather.
  • The less booking points you have accumulated, the further in advance you can book rooms. If you have gathered a lot of points (i.e. by regularly using the LSG), you can only book rooms on short notice.
  • The later a booking is cancelled, the less booking points are reimbursed.
  • 40 days after you have used the room, occupancy points for this room are reset.

At all times, the LSG booking system in eCampus allows you to check how many points you have already accumulated and how many points will be charged for your current booking. Should you want to share a room with fellow students, you can share the points, aswell!

Booking points and room types

Room type Booking points per hour
study box 0,8
1 person room 1
2 person room for mobility-imparied students 1
2 person room 1,5
4 person room 2
6 person room 3
8 person room 4
10 person room 5
12 person room 6
room for large groups 10


locker2 booking points per day


Upon cancelling a room, booking points are deleted. How many depends on how much time is left before the reserved time slot.

Time of cancellation deleted points
more than 168 hours (7 days) before booked time slot 100 %
168 hours to 24 hours before booked time slot 75 %
less than 24 hours before booked time slot or within the reserved time slot 50 %

If you sign out before the end of your booked time, 50% of the charged points are charged to you nevertheless!

Bookings can be edited. At least half of the original booking points will still be charged, e.g. if you shorten your booked time slot. When extendingyour booking, additional points will be charged. Notice: If a booking shortens the time slot considerably, it may be cheaper to cancel the booking completely and to create a new booking.

Booking threshold values

It is possible to book rooms and lockers up to 120 days in advance, depending on how many points you have accumulated. The following point thresholds apply:

booking points max. booking time span
less than 100 120 days
more than 100 7 days
more than 200 2 days
more than 400 0 days (only current day)
en/support/lsg/reservierungspunkte.1400854766.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)