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Set up of the Facebook comment feature

step 1:

First activate the plugin called “Facebook Comments”.

step 2:

Go to and click on „Neue App erstellen“ (“create new app”).

step 3:

Enter a name for the app, e. g. „Blog“, into the field called „Anwendungsname“ (“name”) and click on “Weiter” (“next”).

step 4:

Write down the App ID and click on “Änderungen speichern” (“save”).

step 5:

At the administration interface of the blog, click on the menu item “Facebook Comments” and insert the app ID. Then, click on “Änderungen übernehmen” (“save changes”).

en/support/blogs/10_facebook_kommentar_funktion.txt · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:45 by