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en:support:drucken:drucken_vom_eigenen_pc [14.10.2023 14:59] plieskeen:support:drucken:drucken_vom_eigenen_pc [17.10.2024 12:27] (current) – removed strauss
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-======= Printing from your own PC (Windows) ======= 
-=====I. Basics ===== 
-The student account can be used to send printjobs from campus PCs and collect them from multi-function devices. Printjobs can also be sent from your personal laptop, computer, tablet or smartphone. [[en:support:drucken:druckguthaben|Printing credit]] can be recharged at the [[en:support:studit_support:chipkartenstelle|chipcard office at the central lecture hall building]] or at the university libraries.  
-To print at the university, you will firstly need a connection to the uni's network, either by connecting to **[[en:support:wlan|eduroam]] ** or **Guest on Campus** - or from anywhere else using [[en:support:wlan:vpn|the VPN]]. There are two possibilities to print from your personal device: 
-  - **installing the printers on windows**: Installing VPN and PaperCut onto your Windows device and connecting to the the printer queues. This way you can use any program on your PC to send a printjob to the Follow-Me queue. This tutorial explains how to set this up and use it. 
-  - **[[en:support:drucken:drucken_per_email|e-mail to print]]**: Sending an e-mail from your student mailaddress to [[]] and confirm the printjob.  
-Finally, the job can be authorized at a multi-function device.  
-=====II. Installing the Printers on Windows===== 
-To use the Follow-Me printer like any other printer, you can install the Follow-Me printer queues as a network printer. Subsequently you can choose the Follow-Me printer in a program's printing dialog, and, for instance, choose between double-sided or single-sided printing, or print two pages on one. Or just plainly print a document.  
-It's required that you are connected to the university's network, by [[en:support:wlan:vpn|VPN]] or [[en:support:wlan|eduroam]]. Or use both, I don't care 🤷🏽‍♂ **In case of trouble or questions, our team is happy to assist you installing or using the Papercut system. Feel free to [[en:support:studit_support:kontakt|visit us during our opening hours]]. ** 
-====Installing Follow-Me queues and PaperCut==== 
-  - click this link: [[]] 
-  - **download the Mobility Print app and start it**: During the installation dialog, choose //Follow-Me//, //Follow-Me Farbe// (the colour queue) and //Follow-Me A3//. Ignore any other queues, you won't be able to access them anyway. After this you're asked for an account: Please enter your eCampus account credentials.  
-  - **install the PaperCut client**: [[|Download the client]]. This app is important for billing the printjobs. Without billing, the jobs will be rejected by the system! To install, extract the ZIP archive and run //client-local-install//. After that open the //PaperCut MF Client// on your PC and enter your eCampus account.  
-====Sending Printjobs==== 
-**1. Connect to the university's network**\\ 
-If you're on campus, simply connect to [[en:support:wlan|eduroam]]. If you're anywhere else, connect to [[en:support:wlan:vpn|the VPN]].  
-**2. start the PaperCut client**\\ 
-The client should start automatically, if not, open the //PaperCut MF Client// 
-**3. start a printjob**\\ 
-Now you can go right ahead and print, like on any other printer. If you want your print to be twosided, 2 pages on one etc., you can choose that in properties panel. Please always use the properties panel, settings that have been set any other way might lead to issues. Once you've hit print, don't sprint for the printer just yet, wait another second and confirm the fees in the confirmation dialog that pops up. Otherwise your document won't be printed.  
-**4. authorize the printjob**\\ 
-Within 72 hours you can authorize and print the document on a multi-function device. 
-If the printing doesnt work, consider these questions: 
-  * maybe you have a firewall that constricts printing? 
-  * do you have an active VPN-connection? (not to the university's network, a different one like NordVPN or Kasperski Privacy Relay) 
-  * Are the Follow-Me queues connected? 
-  * Do you have enough money on my printing account? 
-If you run into any other trouble, feel free to [[en:support:studit_support:kontakt|visit us during our opening hours]]. 
en/support/drucken/drucken_vom_eigenen_pc.1697288354.txt.gz · Last modified: 14.10.2023 14:59 by plieske

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