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en:support:drucken:drucken_vom_eigenen_pc [11.04.2011 15:41] – [3.) Authentication] moritz.foersteren:support:drucken:drucken_vom_eigenen_pc [17.10.2024 12:27] (current) – removed strauss
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-======= Printing from your own PC ======= 
-===== I. Basics ===== 
-StudIT offers their users the possibility to print at different [[en:support:drucken:drucker|printing locations]]. For using those services, students will have to charge their printing account with their chip card at the [[en:support:studit_support:chipkartenstelle|chip card issue point]] or at the department library of the University Medical School in Göttingen. Not only can students use the computers at the LRCs or CIP-Pools, but they can also print from their homes or their private computers or laptops as well.  
-After your log in described in the following paragraphs you will see a list with all the printers available and their corresponding description.  
-===== II. Requirements ===== 
-  * your studIT account and a computer with Windows as operating system (XP / Vista / 7)  
-  * internet connection or connection to GoeMobile / GoeMobile-Neu   
-  * CISCO VPN Client  
-  * credit on your printing account!  
-====== Brief instruction ====== 
-  - connect to the VPN to receive an IP-address from university  
-  - establish a connection to the printer server \\ 
-  - authentification: ug-student\Benutzername  
-  - choose the printer you need 
-attention: You have to repeat these steps when restarting your computer! 
-===== III. Installation process ===== 
-==== 1.) Log in ==== 
-In order to be able to communicate with the studIT printer server you first have to establish a secure connection using the [[en:support:wlan:vpn_client|VPN client]] to receive an IP-address from the university. This also works at home with your own internet connection. You can find a detailed description of how to log into the university network on the [[|GWDG homepage]]. 
-==== 2.) Connection to the printing server ==== 
-After logging into the university network you need to establish a connection to the printing server. This depends on your individual settings for Windows, because the look of your start menu may vary on the version you are using or your personal settings. Below there are three methods which are most common and should lead to the desired result:  
-== 2.1.) standard start menu (Windows XP, Vista, 7) == 
-When using the standard settings of Windows XP and Windows Vista your start menu has a wide shape. If you use Windows XP, click on "Run" and enter \\ into this field. Then click ok and move on to step 3 (authentication) of the instruction. 
-If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7 you can find a search field in the start menu. There you have to enter \\ eingeben and press enter. Now move on to step 3 (authentication) of the instruction.  
-== 2.2.) classic Windows start menu (Windows XP, Vista) == 
-If you use the classic Windows start menu (Windows XP, Vista), you need to click on "Run" and enter \\ into this field. Then click ok and move on to step 3 (authentication) of the instruction. 
-== 2.3.) keyboard shortcuts (Windows XP, Vista, 7) == 
-When pressing the Windows key (Superkey) and R simultaneously the run dialogue opens. Enter \\ and click ok afterwards, then move on to step 3 (authentication) of the instruction. 
-==== 3.) Authentication ==== 
-Now a new window should open in which you have to enter your access data so that the printer server can match the information to the one of your account correctly. Please type in the following in the browser window: 
-   * username: ug-student\firstname.lastname **Attention: Do NOT forget to write ug-student\ in front of your username!** 
-   * password: enter your account password 
-Then click ok to confirm your request.  
-==== 4.) Choosing and adding printers ==== 
-After authorising successfully a new window opens, listing all printers available. Normally you can exclusively install and use printers of your department or public printers, for example printers at the LRC. 
-Choose the desired printer from the list and double-click on it to start the installation of the printer on your computer. The example here shows an installation from a printer of the CIP-pool of the law department. During the installation process there will be a warning message for some printers which can be confirmed by clicking ok without hesitation. It also may happen that the installation process takes some minutes and the program seems to be crashed (no response). Please have a little patience. After that you can see the queue of the added printer. From this time on you can use the printer and choose it in programs, for example in word, to print off.  
-**Important: You can only connect to the printer as long as there is an established connection to the VPN. If you logout or reboot your computer your settings are being reseted. Even if you still can see the printer in your list, you have to reconnect as described in the steps above.** 
-===== Possible problems, solutions, partners ===== 
-Print jobs are being disposed after 72 hours. Because of this, every user should ask one of the advisors at the locations for further information concerning this time span or should have a look at announcements on printing devices.  
-Should there be any problems or questions, please feel free to ask one of our advisors at [[en:support:studit_support:standorte|one of our help desks]] 
-{{tag> printing printer from home VPN GoeMobile}} 
en/support/drucken/drucken_vom_eigenen_pc.1302529279.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)

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