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en:support:ecampus:start [07.02.2013 15:39] – created steffen.straussen:support:ecampus:start [18.01.2023 11:45] (current) – external edit
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-======= start =======+====== eCampus manual ====== 
 +On the following pages you will find all information regarding the usage of the eCampus web portal.
 +You can use all functions of ecampus when you log in with your [[en:support:account:|student account]]. You have received your account when you got your  [[en:support:ausweis:|student ID]]. In case you encounter problems using ecampus please contact our helpdesk of [[en:support:studit_support:kontakt|studIT Support]]. ecampus is the central platform for students for [[en:support:email:|checking E-Mail]], enrolling in courses or lectures in [[en:support:ecampus:studip|Stud.IP]], applying for exams in FlexNow, using the [[en:support:ecampus:kalender|calendar]] or the  [[en:support:account:sb_funktionen|self-service functions]] for printing certificates etc.
 +<WRAP info 90% left>
-^ erstellt von | Steffen Strauss | +</WRAP> 
-^ erstellt am | 07.02.2013 15:39 | +~~NOCACHE~~ 
en/support/ecampus/start.1360247992.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)

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