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en:support:drucken:follow-me [28.02.2012 13:10] – [The procedure] sandra.kleinen:support:drucken:follow-me [18.01.2023 11:45] (current) – external edit
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-======= Printing through "Follow-me" ======= +======= Printing by using "Follow-me" =======
-===== The procedure =====+
-You can gain a first overview about the printing [[support:drucken:video_drucken|in this video]].+You can gain a first overview about the printing [[en:support:drucken:video_drucken|in this video]].
-Through the central printing system of studIT, you have two opportunities to output documents: the classical direct print or the print in the Follow-Me-Process.\\ +Through the central printing system of studIT, you have two opportunities to output documents: the classical direct print or the print in the Follow-Me printing.\\ 
-When you choose direct printing, a certain printer/ a certain queue must be chosen out of a list; afterwards the job will be output at this device or the device poolrespectively.+When you choose direct printing, a certain printer/ queue must be chosen out of a list; afterwards the job will be output at this device or the device pool respectively.
-When using the Follow-Me-Process, the job is not immediately send to a printer. Instead the document is printed into a "virtual queue" and stays there until it is released at any desired printer that is equipped for that. **Hence, the actual printer is only then chosen, when the job is being printed and not beforehand in the printing dialogue of the application programme.** Furthermore, the costs will only be deductedwhen the job is being printed.+===== The procedure ===== 
 +When using the Follow-Me printing, the job is not immediately send to a printer. Instead the document is printed into a "virtual queue" and stays there until it is released at any desired printer that is equipped for that. **Hence, the actual printer is only then chosen, when the job is being printed and not beforehand in the printing dialogue of the application programme.** Furthermore, the costs will only be deducted when the job is being printed.
 <WRAP info> <WRAP info>
 **Advice for copy and printing credit**\\ **Advice for copy and printing credit**\\
-The system is using the credit of you printing account, NOT the money on your student card (e.g. refectory wallet). With your student card you can exclusively put money on your printing account at our helpdesks. At the printer the card is only uses for identification.\\+The printing system is using the credit on you printing account, **not** the money on your student card (e.g. refectory wallet). With your student card you can exclusively put money on your printing account at our helpdesks. At the printer the card is only used for identification.\\
 \\ \\
 Check your credit at ****</WRAP> Check your credit at ****</WRAP>
 ===== Locations of available printers ==== ===== Locations of available printers ====
-You can find an overview of the locations of theprinters here: [[support:drucken:liste_kopierer|overview]]+ 
 +<WRAP warning> You can find an overview of the locations of the printers [[en:support:drucken:liste_kopierer|here]].</WRAP>
 ===== Installing the Follow-Me-Queue ===== ===== Installing the Follow-Me-Queue =====
-The Installation of the virtual printer is taking place analogue to the instruction for the direct print. The name of the responsible print server for Follow-Me-jobs is+The Installation of the virtual printer is similar to the instruction for the direct print. The name of the responsible print server for Follow-Me print jobs is
   \\   \\
-and the queue+and the queue for black and white printing 
   Follow-Me     Follow-Me  
 +and for colour printing
 +  Follow-Me-Farbe
 Hence, you can also use the Follow-Me-queue with your Hence, you can also use the Follow-Me-queue with your
-[[support:drucken:drucken_vom_eigenen_pc|Windows-Notebook]] or [[support:drucken:drucken_vom_mac|Macbook]].  +[[en:support:drucken:drucken_vom_eigenen_pc|Windows-Notebook]] or <del> [[en:support:drucken:drucken_vom_mac|Macbook]] </del>.  
-If you are using it from a studIT-Desktop-PC (e.g. in the LRCs or Linux-computers at Blauen Turm( blue tower) , the Follow-Me queue should be available automatically as a printer. You can simply choose it then.+<del> If you are using it from a StudIT PC (e.g. in the LRCs or Linux computers at Blauer Turm ( blue tower), the Follow-Me queue should be available automatically as a printer. You can simply choose it then.</del>
 <WRAP warning> <WRAP warning>
-**The original print server "\\" had to be changed at short notice. If you have installed the Follow-Me-printer manually you need to delete it and install it again with the new server name.**+**For technical reasons Follow-Me had to be deactivated for Linux and Apple Computers, because they use the CUPS print protocol. Here some problems arose during printing which also affected other users. If you want to use Follow-Me printing on studIT Linux Computers or Mac Computersplease use [[en:support:drucken:drucken_per_dateiupload|printing online as workaround!]]**
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-===== Printing by using the Follow-Me-queue ===== 
-The Follow-Me-queue is used like a normal printer by choosing it in the printer dialogue of the particular application:+<WRAP info> 
 +**Information about colour printing by using Follow-Me**\\ 
 +Print jobs which were are being sent to the queue **"Follow-Me"** will always be printed in **black and white**. They can be picked up at b&w-devices as well as at colour printers (for the price of b&w pages).\\ 
 +Print jobs which are being sent to the queue **"Follow-Me-Farbe"** can exclusively be released at **colour printers**. </WRAP> 
 +<WRAP info>[[|CLICK FOR DOWNLOAD]]**NEW:** We have developed an app which automatically installs all programs necessary on your computer and creates an desktop icon for using the [[en:support:drucken:follow-me|follow-me printers]]. After installation you only have to click the three icons in the right order: 1. activation of the VPN client 2. start Papercut 3. connect to the follow-me printers.  
 +**To download this application, just click on the little picture on the right.** This executable file is compressed in an .zip folder which can be opened on all standard PCs. It also has been tested thoroughly on Windows 7 computers. It is also compatible with Windows XP, although it might be possible for problems to occur. If this is the case, we would be very happy if you could be so kind as to let us know what problems occurred. 
 +The downloaded file __needs__ to be extracted. Right-click on the file and click on "Alle extrahieren..." (extract all). After that run the .exe file of the unzipped folder. 
 +The executive user needs appropriate administrator permissions on the PC. </WRAP> 
 +===== Printing by using the Follow-Me queue ===== 
 +The Follow-Me queue is used like a normal printer queue by choosing it in the printer dialogue of the particular application:
 {{:support:drucken:followme1b.png|}} {{:support:drucken:followme1b.png|}}
 After the dispatch of the job, it is paused in the queue. After the dispatch of the job, it is paused in the queue.
 +<WRAP info>
 +The Client software does not necessarily needs to be installed on the computer for printing. However, we recommend to use it for being informed about the costs of the print jobs. </WRAP>
 ===== Output of the jobs ===== ===== Output of the jobs =====
-If a job is in the Follow-Me-queue, it can be released within three days; after expiration of this time it will be deleted. The release takes directly place at one of the devices that are equipped for that ([[support:drucken:liste_kopierer|List]]). You can recognise such equipped copier at the sideways installed reading device and the following pictogram:+If a job is in the Follow-Me queue, it can be released within three days; after expiration of this time it will be deleted. The release takes directly place at one of the devices that are equipped for that ([[en:support:drucken:liste_kopierer|List]]). You can recognise such equipped copier at the sideways installed reading device and the following pictogram: 
-{{ :support:drucken:mfp-funktion_2.png |}} 
 The release takes place via your student card:\\ The release takes place via your student card:\\
-{{ :support:drucken:copicode.jpg |}}+
 ====1. Login==== ====1. Login====
Line 55: Line 77:
 ====2. Copying==== ====2. Copying====
-the following functions are available in the display: +The following functions are available in the display: 
-F1: Print (start printing menu) +  F1: Print (start printing menu) 
-F2: Copy (change to the copy function) +  F2: Copy (switch to the copy function) 
-You can choose , provided that two jobs are waiting, in the printing menu between:+You can choose, provided that at least two jobs are waiting, in the printing menu between:
   F1: Select doc (release every waiting job manually)   F1: Select doc (release every waiting job manually)
   F2: Print all (all waiting jobs are automatically being printed without asking)   F2: Print all (all waiting jobs are automatically being printed without asking)
-In the manual mode you can choose the following for every document via the jobtitel:+In the manual mode you can choose the following for every document via the job title:
   F1: Print (print job)   F1: Print (print job)
   F2: Del (delete job)   F2: Del (delete job)
Line 77: Line 99:
 Jobs must be released within 72 hours. After the expiration of this time they will be deleted.\\ Jobs must be released within 72 hours. After the expiration of this time they will be deleted.\\
-**Reaction in case of not enough money**\\ +**Reaction in case of not enough money on print account**\\ 
-If you do not have enough money to release a job, this will be shown in the display of the reading device. The job can be once again released, if you have put money on your account.+If you do not have enough money to release a job, this will be shown in the display of the reading device. The job can be released once again if you have put more money on your account.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-===== Administration of jobs in the Follow-Me-Queue =====+===== Administration of jobs in the Follow-Me queue =====
-{{  :support:drucken:screen.jpg?250}}+{{  :support:drucken:screen.png?250}}
 Waiting jobs can be consulted and administrated. For this you have to login at the userpage of the printing system: Waiting jobs can be consulted and administrated. For this you have to login at the userpage of the printing system:
Line 90: Line 112:
 \\ \\
-Below the point "Release printing jobs" you can find a list of all the jobsthat are waiting to be released. Via the action "cancel" behind every entry you can delete single jobs, via the button "Delete all" you can delete all of the jobs. +Below the point "Jobs Pending Release" you can find a list of all the jobs that are waiting to be released. Via the action "Cancel" behind every entry you can delete single jobs, via the button "Delete all" you can delete all of the jobs.
 {{:support:drucken:followme2.png?350|}} {{:support:drucken:followme2.png?350|}}
 +====== Duplex printing by using "Follow-Me" =======
 +When using "Follow-Me" it is also possible to print on both sides of a sheet of paper ("duplex"). For this, after choosing the "Follow-Me" queue in the printing dialogue click on "Advanced". After that in the tab "Detailed Settings" (Detaillierte Einstellungen) click "Edit" (Bearbeiten). There you can choose duplex printing, either portrait (kurze Kante) or landscape (lange Kante): 
 +{{:support:drucken:duplex_follow_me2.png? 750}}
-{{tag>drucken drucker "follow-me" "find-me"cloud printing" studienausweis copicode}} +{{tag>printing printer follow me follow-me find-me "cloud printing" student id copicode}}
- +
- +
-^ erstellt von | Sandra Klein | +
-^ erstellt am | 28.02.2012 10:53 | +
en/support/drucken/follow-me.1330431054.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)

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